Lost In The Dark

Vaishu Kedlaya
2 min readDec 4, 2020

The girl who used to be a big believer of God ,now seeks justice from him for all her unanswered questions.

The girl who used to always spread love and happiness was not engulfed with fear and anxiety.

The girl who used to always have a constant smile on her face now had swollen eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks without a pause,

The girl who used to always bring a smile on other’s faces, today others were struggling to bring just a slight smile on hers.

The girl who used to always interact with everybody now wanted to lock herself up in a dark room and interact with none.

The girl who used to love trying on different outfits was now ashamed of seeing her own body and covered herself with layers of blankets.

The girl who was once bold and confident now shivered in utter fear.

The girl who used to always believe in God, now questioned him saying,

“Is this all you could do to help me?”

The girl yells at God and asks him “People always said you are everywhere and will help the good no matter what, but… where were you when those monsters ripped my clothes off?.. Where were you when I was crying out loud for your help?

Where were you when those monsters forced themselves on me?.. Where were you when I was screaming out loud and begging for your help?

Wasn't my scream loud enough to reach your ears?.. Is this why you didn't come to rescue me from those demons?

Where were you when they grabbed my hands and stuffed my own clothes into my mouth to shut me?.. Why God why?.. Don’t I deserve a bit of mercy from you?

Where were you when their nails were hurting all my body like animal claws? Where were you when they were having fun shattering every piece inside of me?

Where were you when they pricked glass pieces into my private parts? Where were you when they had spread my legs to destroy me completely?

Where were you when I was struggling to utter a word from my mouth?.. yet I was hoping that you could come to save me somehow.

Where were you?

Why did you prove me wrong when I had trusted you so much?

Why God why?

I question you again, Is this all you could do to help me?”



Vaishu Kedlaya

I enjoy exploring my mind by being a diarist and writing my thoughts down to express by imagination✨